Exam and Advice
In order to maintain healthy teeth and gums for life, we recommend regular dental checkups.
The purpose of our dental checkups is to check for the presence of dental disease, provide treatments where necessary and to offer dental hygiene advice.
As part of your dental examination we will be looking for:
Dental decay, often using x-rays:
This sugar induced, dental disease is widespread amongst all ages of the population and is responsible for severe morbidity, pain and early tooth loss. With early detection, and simple advice, most cases of dental decay can be corrected easily.Gum disease:
One of the most rampant diseases across the world, resulting loosening teeth, gum recession and ultimately tooth loss. Primarily a plaque induced inflammatory condition that has genetic links in families. the effects of this disease can be controlled in many cases.Oral cancer:
One of the most common and deadly cancers around killing one person every 3 hours in the UK because of late detection. With a 50% survival rate over 5 years - patients are strongly advised to ensure regular dental checkups. Linked closely with tobacco and alcohol consumption and age.Fungal infections:
Many patients who wear dentures, take steroids or who have a compromised immune system are at risk of developing this irritant condition. Easily identified via a routine dental checkup and corrected with simple prescriptions and advice.Normal tooth development:
As babies develop their early deciduous teeth, and teenagers develop adult teeth, there is a whole range of cases whereby simply monitoring and appropriate intervention can correct issues of crowding, poor appearance and bite problems that would otherwise plague a patient for life. Part of the dental checkup will be to ensure normal tooth development.