One of the most cost popular and cost effective ways of replacing missing teeth is with a bridge. There are many different types, some of which are available on the NHS. All bridges share one feature in common which is that they are held in place by adhering to their neighbouring teeth.
NHS Bridges
It is possible to have certain kinds of bridges made under the NHS. These bridges are of the 'stick on type' favoured by dental hospitals as they do not require much healthy tooth preparation. They tend to be available for replacing single missing front teeth only. The disadvantage of stick on bridges is that they may debond and require refixing.
Conventional / Cosmetic Bridges
Alternatively, private 'conventional' bridges are available. These are more destructive to the neighbouring teeth requiring full caps for retention. They are however far more secure and are often used to replace single or multiple teeth in the back or front of the mouth. These conventional bridges have the additional benefit in that they can be used to alter the appearance of our neighbouring teeth to improve their appearance.
Private bridges are also available in a metal free variety which benefit from vastly superior cosmetics.
Please arrange an appointment with your dentist to discuss these alternatives further.
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